Friday, June 10, 2011

Still No Gaming

Still little to no gaming going on and probably won't be any for a couple of weeks at least. I have been playing a fair amount of Pokemon: White since my DS is one of the only things I can play and I'm nearing the end. This is a milestone moment for me...a chance to finish a Pokemon game, a feat I have never accomplished in the past. I haven't checked a walkthrough or anything, but I'm fairly certain I'm right at the end. I've got all 8 badges, I've beat the guy they made out to be the end boss, I've captured the legendary Zekrom...I'm right at the cusp...and of course, I don't feel like playing it anymore. I'm thinking I'm going to finally pop in Dragon Quest IX but if I do before I finish Pokemon then there is a real chance that I never finish it at all. This used to be a big issue for me, I would fight until the end of a game then never finish it. I don't really know why but lately I've overcome it and have been sure to finish most every game I've played.

I do have my PS3 hooked up and during the brief times I've found to play it, I've split the time between Wipeout and Demon's Souls. I got Wipeout for free as part of Sony's WHOOPS package, alone with Dead Nation. It's been a week and I'm still waiting for Dead Nation to finish downloading. Wipeout is fantastic though a bit shallow. I really have fun with it and it is absolutely gorgeous to look at, but their is something missing from the gameplay. I can't quite put my finger on it but it might be that is lacks punch or oomph. When you crash into another vehicle at 800mph the experience should be bone shattering as opposed to feeling like a fist bump with your bro. It doesn't ruin the game, but it does detract from it's overall awesomeness.

Demon's Souls is old, I know, but I was really late to get it and it is the kind of game I can only spend a little bit of time on each time I play it. The game is kind of like S&M in that you better enjoy being beaten if you want to play. It's brutally and unapologetically difficult. It doesn't care about you. Demon's Souls isn't going to hold you hand, instead it will rip your arm off and beat you, not to death, because death would show mercy. Demon's Souls beats you until you are begging for death, then it revives you and beats you again.

Dark Souls is coming out this year and despite looking awesome as all hell, I'm torn on whether or not to buy it. I'm going to base my decision on how far into Demon's Souls I get. If I haven't beat it, I'm not buying Dark Souls until I do. Or, I'll just wait to find Dark Souls cheap and snatch it up.

I need another great RPG to play. Last time I had this feeling I picked up Lost Odyssey and it was an excellent decision. Right now though, as I look through the list of Xbox and PS3 RPG's I haven't played, there just isn't anything grabbing me. I'm considering Eternal Sonata but I've been avoiding it for years because it just doesn't look perfectly appealing to me. Most likely, I'll finally start Resonance of Fate which has been sitting on my shelf collecting dust for quite a while. Not going to happen until we get all moved into our own place though. If, and it's a big if, I actually get any time on my 360, I'll be finishing L.A. Noire.

That's it for this entry I guess. Nothing terribly interesting to talk about since I'm not playing any games right now. Look forward to another top 10 list coming as soon as a write it, and hopefully, a final write up for L.A. Noire when I finish it.

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