Man, the trailer for Assassin's Creed 3 has really left me divided. Part of me absolutely loved what I saw and is more excited for this game then any I can think of in recent memory.
Another part of me hated what I saw and is completely worried about the game being a steaming pile.
Deep down, I know I should probably fall somewhere in between right now. The game isn't due out until late October/early November and information about is will slowly leak out over the months leading up to the release.
Seeing some screenshots of Boston and New York has me leaning back towards excited. I can see the old Ass Creed gameplay being applied there with roof running and parkour and all that jazz. The stuff from the original trailer in the woods is what really had me kind of worried. I don't want to be sneaking around in the woods, I want to be running through a city. If they forest parts are a smaller part of the game then I welcome them as a change up from the basic city parts, but if they are more prevalent then I may not love it as much.
I preordered the game from Best Buy strictly because I got a kick ass metal case. I may get it day one, I may not. Technically, I shouldn't even be thinking about it until I finish Revelations. I've had Revelations since day one and I've really barely put any time into it. If history holds true then one day I'll pick it up and I won't put it down until I'm finished with it. That's what happened with the last two Ass Creed games.
Anyway, my curiosity is definitely peaked at this point. It's good to see the game go in a different direction as long as they don't lose the soul that made it so great in the first place. They haven't let us down with the previous three Assassin's Creed games (the first one gets a bye since it was the first and they learned so well from it) so I have to imagine they won't disappoint with Assassin's Creed 3.
There are settlements such as Lexington and Concord in the Wilderness map (which is 1.5 times the size of Brotherhood's Rome, BTW), as well as two major cities: Boston and New York. Fear not, there will be quite a bit of civilization, although the wilderness is 30% of the game's content, according to recent interviews.
ReplyDeleteIt's kinda necessary, since most of the famous battles were fought in less populated ares. How else would we see them? It's not as if the wilderness will be empty. There are animals to hunt, british patrols to avoid, cliffs to scale and trees to climb. I think you may end up enjoying it more than you suspect.
I expect I'll enjoy it quite a bit. I'm just going to keep my expectations even right now until I see more. I'm confident that as more information comes out I will like what I'm seeing.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with you, I was a little iffy on the forest stuff. Something about free running through a city is just so much fun. I don't think a forest will offer the same amount of freedom. That being said, I don't want Ubisoft to stick only with the tried and true. It just becomes repetitive if they do that.
ReplyDeleteThat leaves me being both excited and just a little worried. I guess you and I are on the same page.