Friday, March 18, 2011

Brotherhood of Creed - Scott Stapp Approves

Finally dug into Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood after it sat here for weeks collecting dust. I don't know why I waited so long other then the fact I had been dedicating about 95% of my gaming time to Lost Odyssey which I'm not going to talk about at all here. This is the last time it will be mentioned, I swear it.

Anyway, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. It's fantastic. I haven't progressed too far into the story yet but it definitely seems to be pretty standard Ass Creed fair. It really feels almost exactly like Assassin's Creed 2 and that is certainly ok. It picks up right at the end of the previous game and just runs with it. They didn't overthink it, they just took a good game, made some slight improvements, and went for it.

One of the few changes to Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood is in the title...brotherhood. After going at it alone in the first 2 games and through the beginning of Brotherhood, you open up the ability to get citizens to join your assassinly adventures. You can call on them with a press of a button to smite your enemies, or you can send them on missions to earn money and experience. There are pigeon coops throughout Rome where you can control your lackeys. It's a nice diversion from the standard game.

So far the story is a direct continuation from Assassin's Creed 2. I'm not going to go into it here due to spoilage but it is pretty good stuff. They use the same mechanic from Ass Creed 2 where you unlock tiny parts of back story by solving puzzles located on important buildings. The puzzles are tough but very fun.

They've expanded the idea of rebuilding your own villa into rebuilding all of Rome. The basic principle is the same, earn money to reopen various shops, but they've added in landmarks, and underground tunnels to make travel around the giant city a bit more manageable.

I seem to be about halfway through the game so I'll talk about it some more in the future as I progress further.

Rented Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 finally. I wasn't going to but the game just kept calling to me like some Siren, summoning me to smash my ship against the rocks and drown at sea...well, it eventually worked. I put a few hours into it so far and it is quite excellent. I'm far from a fighting game expert. I don't spend hours and hours and days and days mastering anything in fighting game. I'm more of an enthusiast. I love to play them, and I get pretty good usually, but anyone who spends time practicing can beat me. I find fighting games are best when you have a group of guys hanging out who don't get real technical. Then it is just plain fun. MvC3 is one of the better fighting games I've played. It is similar in appearance to Super Street Fighter IV and this is an excellent thing. They took those stunning graphics and made them prettier.

The gameplay is insane. 3v3 combat gets very hectic but it is never out of control crazy. To the casual observer it may look like a jumbled mess of characters and fire and energy weapons and swords and robots but to the people playing it is a controlled frenzy of fighting and tag teaming and super moves and lasers and robots and weird cat ladies with giant...paws.

Also, the last boss is Galactus. I love Galactus. I haven't delved into the online play except for one fight where I was destroyed by another guy with a 0-0 record. I don't know if that means I am especially terrible or if he was just good and hadn't played online yet...I prefer to believe the latter.

I will cover some more on MvC3's finer points as they are revealed to me over the week I've got the game rented so look forward to that in my next entry.

That's about it for this round. Look for another top 10 list in the next day or two (Top 10 Xbox Live Arcade Games) and another classic review from the depths of my hard drive.

Until next time readers.

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