Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I'm Mentioning Lost Odyssey in the Title Again...

...because I think it is the only game I've played since my last update. The rental situation in this town is abhorrent and Gamefly is too slow here. Waiting over a week for games makes the service too expensive. What this all amounts to is I won't be playing any new games for awhile so I figured why not spend my gaming time grinding things out in Lost Odyssey.

I bought Lost Odyssey after doing some research. I had been playing Suikoden 2 again for the millionth time and it got me thinking about current gen RPG's and how they are trending away from old school gameplay. Most people think this is a good thing but I am of the rare breed that loves random encounters and grinding for levels. I'd played Final Fantasy XIII, The Last Remnant, Infinite Undiscovery, Enchanted Arms, etc...and none of them captured the old school essence I was looking for. I liked them all but I needed something different.

So, I went to the internet and starting reading about all of the RPG's I've not played yet. Almost everything I read pointed me toward Lost Odyssey so I found it used for sub $20 and played it.

It really is everything I was wanting. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that it is the best RPG on the Xbox 360 by a good mile(kilometer for my foreign readers).

This is a short update because I hadn't been playing much else but I recently dove into Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and Pokemon White. I'll have a new update up by the end of the
week hopefully.

Also, I'm considering doing something like a regular top ten list because A: I think they are fun,
B: People like to read them, and C: It gives me something to talk about when I haven't been doing a lot of gaming. We'll see. I'm going to try to get one up in between this update and the next one.

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