Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Super Heroes vs. Karate Dudes vs. Ninjas vs. Demons vs. Gods vs. Aliens

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is an excellent game. I got the majority of the single player experience in the 5 days I had it from the video store. But honestly, when it comes to fighting games, the single player is going to get old rather quickly. It's the multiplayer that keeps a fighting game fresh. It used to be that you would have to call up friends and have a room full of sweaty nerds to get a full multiplayer experience. This caused all sorts of problems, who was responsible for bringing the cheetos? Who drank the last Mt. Dew? Who left a floater in the bathroom? Thankfully, with the INVENTION OF THE INTERNET, the congregation of the nerds can now be done through the fat pipes of the INTERWEB.

Hyperbole and jokes aside, the internet does make it a lot easier to get a good group of people together to play a good fighting game and, for the most part, MvC 3 pulls it off swimmingly. The only real issue I ran into was occasionally it would take a few tries to connect to an opponent. Not a big deal at all. The biggest problem I had was the fact that through online play my skills were exposed as "weaksauce" My final tally was something along the lines of 3 wins and 17 losses. Hell, I lost my first 9 fights. This was all to similarly ranked opponents so either I really, really suck, or I kept running into fighting game veterans playing online for the first time. I'm worried it was the former.

Everything else about the game is spot-on though. Character roster is excellent, graphics are absolutely gorgeous, the screen often looks like a colorful mess of controlled chaos. Controls are simple to pick up but take a long time to master. It is the best fighting game out there right now.

Got to spend some time with Bulletstorm recently. I haven't played it a lot yet but so far, from what I've played, it is really fun. Shallow, kind of stupid, fun. Getting points for killing in creative ways is addictive and Bulletstorm has no shortage of ways to kill. The leash is what seperates it from other FPS games. You can grab enemies with it and pull them in in slow motion to setup shots to different body parts, or you can pull them into obstacles in the level for bonus points. Overall it's a pretty hectic experience. We'll see how it holds up as I play more but I can see the game getting repetitive after awhile. It follows a pretty standard kill enemies, run through level, kill more enemies approach. The most fun I've had so far is riding a train while being chased by some giant drilling wheel thingy. On rails, shooting the hell out of everything while blowing up explosive barrels to knock the wheel off course was a ton of fun. If these levels get mixed in more often then the repetition I was concerned about earlier in the paragraph won't be an issue. I'll expound upon it more after I've put more time into the game this week.

In the world of Xbox Live Arcade games, I recently picked up Sonic 4 when it was on sale. I was very skeptical when I heard about it coming out. I own every other 2D Genesis Sonic game and I love them will all of my gaming heart, but most of the Sonic games since then have been mediocre to bad. Sonic 4 settles somewhere between the greatness of the old games and the mediocrity of the newer ones. They finally gave up on trying to update the game into the 3D realm and went back to what made Sonic games great. Two dimensions and high speed ring collecting. The formula works but something about Sonic 4 doesn't quite feel right. It's still good but not as good. The updated graphics are sharp, but Sonic looks weird...kind of stretched out. The sense of speed isn't quite what it used to be either. I've not finished it yet, but from what I've played it is worth picking up. It's the best Sonic game made in a long time even if it isn't perfect.

That's pretty much it for this entry. Well, I did borrow Sims 3 from the library and play it some. It's relatively standard Sims fare so I'm not going to go into it here. I more got it for the wife to play and to milk for some achievements. It's not bad. If you're a Sims fan you'll like it, if you aren't you won't. Pretty straightforward.

Next entry I'll continue discussing Bulletstorm and whatever else I play. I need to get back into Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and Call of Duty: Black Ops, as well as start Halo: Reach, though I would like to finish Halo 3 and Halo: ODST before I even begin Reach but we'll see.

Until next time.

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