Now, I'm playing Black Ops and I'm finding I'm absolutely terrible at the game. My ratio is regularly .25 and I've never finished in the top 3. I really don't understand why. I don't know if it is the difference between the two games or if the average skill of my opponents has increased or if even my own skills have deteriorated due to my advanced age but either way, I'm sucking ass at it. I hate it because I really like playing Call of Duty online but it just isn't fun when I'm getting my ass kicked by people with usernames like Cheefin Weed 420. I don't mind losing, I just want to be competitive once in awhile and it just isn't happening. I do enjoy the training mode with AI controlled bots though. I've been using it to try and improve at the real online game but so far it isn't working.
I really can't say much about the story as I've barely touched it. I finished the first mission then went back to playing online. It seems like pretty standard CoD fare. I could already feel like the Infinity Ward touch is missing. Treyarch always makes a good Call of Duty game but never a great one.
You know, when I really stop and think about it I think my biggest issue with Black Ops is I wanted Modern Warfare 3 and it is not Modern Warfare 3. It is close enough that I cannot shake the ghosts but far enough away that it leaves me wanting. I'll talk some more about it when I finish the offline story mode.
Last entry I was talking about playing Bayonetta and that is now a mostly finished experience. I'm going to go back and do a playthrough on hard but that is on the backburner right now. Too many other games to play. My opinion on the game has improved to very high levels. Bayonetta is an excellent game. I wish I had played it sooner but as I said in my previous post about it I was turned off by Devil May Cry comparisons. The comparisons are fair but Bayonetta is a far superior game. Level design is better, combo system is better, characters are better, pretty much everything is better. I'm very impressed with the game as a whole. The action is ridiculously smooth and it is the kind of game that someone with little skills could play on the easier difficulties.
Lost Odyssey is sort of nearing the end. I'm on disc 4 of 4 but my understanding is the fourth disc allows you to clean up the things you've missed and battle some difficult optional bosses. I'm going to try to avoid the problem I have with RPG's where I get to the end then double my previous playing time leveling and trying to complete everything. Then I never finish the game. It's happened a few times in the past. Tales of Vesperia comes to mind. Got to the final dungeon but spent so much time on completion that I never finished it. Same with FFX. I'm going to spend a lot of time working on maxing out the game and trying for achievements but dammit, I'm going to finish it too. Most likely, Lost Odyssey will be a part of my updates for awhile as I play it here and there in between other games.
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood is sitting on my shelf still unplayed. Hopefully by the time I do my next update I will have spent at least a little time on it. I'm planning on spending some time with Fight Night: Champion, Bulletstorm, and Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 in the coming days so we will see.
Oh...Kinectimals...I forgot to mention it. Well, I played it for about an hour, realized my kids wouldn't be ready to play it for years, and sent it to Amazon as a trade-in. Profited on the trade-in too. It seemed like a fantastic game for kids to play and in a few years when my kids are older they will love it. Right now though it doesn't have enough to entertain an adult playing by himself. My 2 year old liked watching my play for about 10 minutes then he lost interest. I'm not going to say it is a bad game, it is just really made for children.
Quick end of post summary: CoD:Blops(frustrating), Bayonetta(still great), Losy Odyssey(even better), Ass:Bro (still unplayed!), Kinectimals(not for me or most adulys)
Tune in next time when I will mention Lost Odyssey again (though I won't reference it in the title), and hopefully have some words on a combination of new games like, AssBro, MvC3, Bulletstorm, or Fight Night: Champion.
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